

When is Computing Offered?

Gender Distribution


Change over time – gender distribution uptake across all subjects and qualifications, compared to gender distribution for computing subjects only.


Pupil Uptake – All Subjects

Pupil Uptake – Computing


Average gender distribution (across qualifications and over time)

% of all Students
female 51.3
male 48.7

Average gender distribution, computing only

% of Computing Entries
female 30.3
male 69.7

Subject Popularity


Top 5 Subjects

Subject popularity varies by gender and over time, as well as qualification and level or stage. These charts show subjects that fell within the top five selected by pupils each year for each qualification (excluding English and Maths). Relatively larger points indicate higher popularity across all qualifications, and position on the horizontal axis popularity for a qualification for that year. For instance, a medium-sized circle on the far right shows high popularity for a particular qualification, but lower popularity in general, across all qualifications. Subject popularity overall is also ordered top to bottom.

Computing Subjects

Gender Distribution across all Qualifications

Gender Distribution by Qualification

Computing vs. English & Maths

Subject Takeup Overall

Gender Distribution Overall

Gender Distribution by Qualification


Computing vs. Science Subjects

Subject Takeup Overall

Gender Distribution

Gender Distribution by Qualification


Gender Distribution


Change over time – gender distribution teacher FTE (full time equivalent) across all subjects, compared to gender distribution for computing subjects only.


Teacher FTE – All Subjects

Teacher FTE – Computing as Main Subject


Average gender distribution over time

Total Teacher FTE
female 64.5%
male 35.5%

Average gender distribution, computing only

As Main Subject As Other Subject Total FTE
female 43.8% 68.0% 51.4%
male 56.2% 32.0% 48.6%